Sunrise social Teesside, England

Sunrise social Teesside, England

by | Apr 11, 2022 | Uncategorized

Sunrise Social Teesside started back in October 2020 whilst in Lockdown Number I’d lost count.

Having previously lived in Leicester when COVID hit and the city being put under an extended lockdown, I was given the opportunity to relocate to the North East with work and unfortunately the lockdowns followed… I thought I was doomed to never get to live in a less restricted COVID region…. fast-forward to October and I had been watching Caroline and her “A County Down Under” Sunrises and thought it would be a good thing to bring to the North East. With the little travel I was allowed to do, I had explored a small portion of our North East Coastline, researched our Dales and Moors online and fallen in love with the area – It made me feel at home so why not share the little gems with others and bring a positive spin to life after lockdown!

So, I reached out to Caroline and Sunrise Social Teesside was formed!

Who you are: Gemma Mooney, originally hailing from Co. Antrim and now living in England.
Where you are located: Teesside, North East England
How often you meet:
Who your team are: Just me at the minute, I am trying my best to get some meet-ups organised but with work and my sporting calendar it’s hard to keep a regular meeting 🙁
What other activities you do: So far – sunrises, sunsets with fish and chips
Why sunrise social is important in our community: I have found a sunrise a great way to start the day, the lack of sleep and early alarms are worth it for the views that await you and set you up for the day! And a little sun even on the darkest of days can uplift your spirits – something we all need after the last 18 months!